[US] Rusty Ranch 3x
player controlled plugins
These plugins involve the player typing commands in game. Click on the hyperlink to view all commands
MasterLock - All code locks in a building sync with the code lock on the tool cupboard. Open/close all doors on the base with the /masterlock, /opendoors and /closedoors commands.
LockSync - Once a tool cupboard has a keylock on it, all players on the cupboard will be synced to other locks on the base with the exception of high external walls.
Remover Tool - Use /remove to remove items placed by yourself or clan members and you will be refunded the appropriate resources. Anything built with a Building Plan cannot be removed.
BGrade - Use /bgrade to select wood, stone metal or armored prior to building. Needed resources must be in your inventory.
SignArtist - Paste image urls onto signs in game using the /sil command. (No pornography)
Clans - Group with other players to play on the same team using the /clan and /clan create commands.
AutoDoors - Automatically closes doors behind players after the default amount of seconds or as set by them using /ad and /ad # (# of seconds active) commands. The delay is by default set to 5 seconds.
Enhanced Hammer - Gives the hammer the ability to quickly upgrade items built with a Building Plan.
Backpacks - /backpack gives players additional storage slots for loot.
NTeleportation - Teleport to other players' locations or to a player's assigned base. /TPR for teleport requests and /home for teleporting home.
Remote Vending Machines - /vend to access all vending machines remotely from anywhere on the map.
Team Authorize - Once a player joins a Rust "team", or clan, they are automatically authorized on TC, locks, turrets, etc. To remove a player: kick from team, kick from clan, then clear tc.
Rust Rewards/Economy - Every hour a player is online, they earn $. Using /s to access the shop, players can exchange $ for RP (Reward Points) to purchase select items.
Portable Vehicles - Swing your hammer at a vehicle to put it in your inventory.
Passive Plugins
These plugins run the same for everyone and require no commands for players
Gather Manager - Smelt 3x faster and Quarries mine 3x more resources.
MagicLoot - Extra Loot enabled per loot container
Recycle Manager - Recyclers operate 3x faster
Crafting Controller - Everything crafts 3x faster
No Decay - All entities do not decay except for twig and balloon, which decay normally.
No Radiation - No radiation whatsoever.
SAM Site Authorization - SAM Sites do not shoot at empty vehicles or players authorized on the tool cupboard.
Large Stacks - Most items stack at 50,000 with some exceptions (items that take damage).
Furnace Splitter - Automatically splits items placed in furnaces to be smelted and adds fuel from your inventory.
Lights On - Lights automatically turn on during night and the following do not consume fuel: Fireplace, Jack O'Lantern, Lantern, Search Light, Tuna Light and Chinese Lantern.
Loot Bouncer - Partially looted crates will despawn after two minutes then respawn at the default respawn rate.
Time of Day - Day: 55 Minutes Night: 5 Minutes
Hammer Time - Remove all items built with a building plan within 2 hours of being placed.